Thursday, 25 March 2010


Hi Everyone, Its been a busy week, a recommendation for visiting the gardens in The Times this weekend, Our Green Tourism Award Assessment on Wednesday and Gateshead Countryside Team here today, they want to do some wildlife surveys here during the summer, I'll keep you updated on results. While the team were here we spotted a male smooth newt and a palmate newt in the pond, frogspawn in the waterlilies sales area and I was dividing some winter aconites tonight and uncovered a toad. The frogspawn is a month later than usual. The Snowdrops are still flowering, so are the Crocuses, Chionodoxia, Muscari, Hellebores Primula and Hepaticas. The daffodils are just starting with the tiny Tete a Tete varieties and Winter Follies with about 30 more varieties to flower between now and the bluebells.


Maureen said...

Maureen said...
Sounds like you are very busy there. I thought that others might like to see the Sunday Times entry:
Well done to all concerned!

Maureen said...

Hildie said...
Congratulations,Christine and Mick, on your special (and very well-deserved) mention in The Sunday Times! Now, that's well and truly let the cat out of the bag!
Birkheads Secret Gardens, along with the Northumbrian Coast ... I thought we were trying to keep them to ourselves!
Good luck ..... have a great season!