Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Ringlet Butterfly in Birkheads Meadow garden

Thanks to Alan for this lovely pic of a Ringlet butterfly, one of a pair spotted on Sunday July 15th in the Goose Meadow. Its great to have so many expert 'spotters' visiting the gardens. Alan also informed me that we have a good colony of Tree Sparrows and tells me that they are easily identified by their 'chestnut caps'.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Rodgersia Border

Our damp border is flourishing despite recent storms everything is looking lovely.
 Happy faces despite a rainy start to the day for Truckshunters AGM 

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

June Pics

Aquilegia ( granny's bonnets) in the winter garden under white stemmed birches Betula jacquemontii
     More aquilegias, this time in the long border of the avenue,
Aquilegia have loved the cool damp weather this year, make a note to add  even more for more colour next year.  We have lots of unusual varieties in lovely colours and for those of you with no hair, the rabbits don't touch them!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Late evening sun at Birkheads

Sun after the rain is always welcome

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Yes, its the wettest drought I've ever known. April was officially the wettest since records began, lets hope for an improvement in May!

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Trillium sessile

Hardy woodlander flowering in the winter garden at Birkheads

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Euphorbia Fens Ruby around pond

For the birdwatchers; Snipes,Chiff chaffs, Pied wagtails, Greenfinches, Hedgesparrow (dunnocks), Short-eared owls, Lark, Red kites and Canada geese spotted over the garden this week end.

Birkheads in the rain

Birkheads meadow

Birkheads Meadow


Hi RH, Lovely to hear from you and thanks for the surprise Christmas card, the postage stamp had me perplexed for a moment!. Now I know that someone is looking at the blog I'll keep adding info and pics. Have you visited the video links on our website? (Also on u-tube) Just what you need if you're missing english birds & gardens- a talented visitor makes a video each month and sets it to music. I really look forward to seeing them, sometimes you can hardly hear the music for the birdsong in the background!

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Goose Meadow

Tulips with white & maroon  Fritillaries combined with lilac Ladies Smock the Wildflower Meadow 

Silver willow leaved pear in flower provides a secluded corner for visitors
Surprise visitor at Birkheads
Dwarf Forsythia brightens a shady corner
We have fairies at the bottom of our garden
Don't forget our collector's corner of specialist plants

Thursday, 23 February 2012

It's Here At Last!

Hi Everyone, I hope that you are all well and ready to venture out, blinking into the sunshine! I recently read this quote from someone called Rogers Hornsby:
 People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.  I'm sorry, I don't know who he is but I certainly echo his sentiment!
We've had a busy winter but are pleased to welcome our friends old and new, back to Birkheads for the coming season starting with our Snowdrop weekend this Saturday February 25th, weather permitting from 10am until 5pm.
Jobs done in October include making the path up to the nursery less steep and changing the steps to the toilets into a ramp. Wheelchair users please park on our drive. If in doubt call me on 07778447920. We've made another pond to encourage even more wildlife. I can't believe we have snowdrops in flower the garden is well ahead for the time of year.
PS We are going to keep 2011 prices through 2012 this year. Enjoy! If you have withdrawal symptoms, we now have a number of videos on youtube showing the gardens from February onwards all done by one of our regular visitors who has captured the essence of the gardens exceptionally well. Please follow the links on our website:
We will be open for all Bank Holiday Sundays & Mondays this year but we are closed for the Queens Jubilee Monday & Tuesday.