Saturday, 28 August 2010

Kind Comments...

We are always thrilled when visitors take the time to tell us how much they have enjoyed their visits. Thank you to Mrs S Gaffney who sent us this email recently:
Dear Mike and Christine,

Thank you for a wonderful day!
I so enjoyed my visit to your garden. I could have spent all day wandering, in fact I nearly did!
Each time I walked round I found something I hadn’t spotted before.
Thank you too Christine for patiently answering my endless questions.
The coffee shop is second to none. I thoroughly enjoyed my coffee and freshly made scone, in the sunshine, on the terrace of the formal garden. It was so peaceful and relaxing. The `waiter` was very thoughtful bringing a bowl of fresh water for Ruby (Irish Setter) too.
I wish I lived nearer so I could be a regular visitor but the distance won’t deter me too much I shall certainly be back.
Thank you again
Sheila Gaffney